Homecoming means a lot of things to a lot of people, but until I pulled out all the yearbooks to give to Mrs. Bromley for a nostalgic faculty display, I honestly didn't realize how much time had gone by. I have been so focused on getting this library built up for student and teacher use, the time when by in a hurry. So to me, the student theme this year IT'S TIME really hit home. IT'S TIME, because that's all we've got that really matters, IT'S TIME because this particular point in time will never come by again (so ask the girl or guy out you want to be with on Homecoming night, don't stand on ceremony), IT'S TIME because noticing the people around you, not the things, is really what is important. "People first, then things," as Suzie Orman says, trying to get us to focus on the most important elements in this span of time. So be brave! Have courage! Even if the person you ask is stupid enough to say "No", you have tried and used your time well. No regrets. IT'S TIME!