Friday, November 6, 2015

Download OverDrive, Win 2 Movie Tickets for Mockingjay 2 !

Mrs. Pollock, a reluctant photo model, shows where the tickets are

So you've read ALL the Hunger Games books and seen ALL the movies - - - ALMOST. If you would like 2 free movie tickets which you can use any time, with $10 worth of treat money for tempting tidbits from the concession stand, come to the Media Center 
and do this:

1. Download the Overdrive app through the app store 
2. Set up an account
3. Check out an ebook
5. Show Miss Mayne or Mrs. Pollock that you have a book checked out through Overdrive
6. They will give you a red ticket to  put in the drawings fishbowl, and a coupon to keep
7. Show up at the Media Center during lunch Nov 19th to see if you won the prize.

See--- bookmarks & tickets
See---Miss Mayne

We have handouts & bookmarks with instructions for those of you who think you can do this independently.

 Miss Mayne will be running tutorials after school, on demand, for students who like personal help. She will give you tickets to fill out to put in the fishbowl when you are finished.